
Friday, August 12, 2011

HaPpY CaMpErS....

As summer is winding down
and the kids are getting ready
to start school soon; 
I was running out of time
 to go on our camping trip
 I had promised my boys.

We headed for the hills.
Camped for 2 days.

Took only memories 
{and tons of photos, of course!!}
and left only footprints.

I am so giddy to start scrapping
this awesome adventure we had, 
{I can hardly stand it!}

Now all I need is some fun inspiration 
to get my creative juices flowing and
maybe some chocolate to go with that!

In my search I found these to get me started...

This layout I found at My Minds Eye.

Can I just tell you how much
 I love their papers????

 Well, I will anyway! :)

I am so LOVING the new
Lost & Found 2 
products line. {{squeal}}

This next layout from
totally caught my eye.

 Reason no.1- I love this girls style.
 Reason no.2- I love the colors and 
page elements she used here. 

{They would go nicely with my camping pictures.}

Supplies: 12x12 Cardstock Vanilla Damask (71159) – AC Cardstock, 12x12 Cardstock Vanilla (71502) – AC Cardstock, Stumpy Meadow Paper (35347) – Campy Trails, Caribou Creek Paper (35351) – Campy Trails, Cherry Chip Paper (35336) – Confetti, Glee Paper (35402) – Hello Sunshine, Many Splendored Paper (35180) – Love, Aquatic Hardcover (53138) – Thickers, Chestnut Poolside (53075) – Thickers, Aquatic Paperback (53132) – Thickers, The Classics Medium Brads (85525) – Elements, Confetti Assorted Buttons (85530) – Elements, Love Buttons (85509) – Elements, Just Dandy (82304) – Mementos, Peachy Keen Reinforced Tags (85543) – Bits, Hyacinth (78041) – Details, Caramel (58510) – Ribbon, Black (62600) – Stamp Marker

What colors, elements and design do you look for when
scrapbooking outdoor pages???

Leave me a comment or link to your page ideas!