
Monday, November 5, 2012

November Giveway Announced........STICKLES

I am sure most of you have experienced this before......I wanted to make sure that I made the giveaway for this month cool and something that you would all be excited about and then life got in the way! It seemed like every time I tried to get it prepped and photographed someone called or kids needed me right then, the weekend disappeared in the blink of an eye. Today seemed to follow the same pattern but I am determined to get this up because I am so excited and I want to give you all the chance to enter this week

So this giveaway is about sharing. In the month of November most of us have the opportunity to reflect on all of the things we are thankful for. I thought it would be fun to have our contest be about sharing things on our Facebook page that we are thankful for. You will be entered into the drawing for each comment you leave on our Facebook page (up to 5 posts a day) and each time you like us and then share with friends and family. There will be a maximum of 10 entries per person per day!

The prize is Stickles 1oz bottle sets! These are all of the Stickles that we sell on our site just double the size! We created 3 different sets so we will give away 1 of each set! This is perfect for the holidays so we will end this contest by November 12th! Go to our Facebook page right now and get started! Good luck to all.

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