
Thursday, August 22, 2013

My Minds Eye Card Ideas

Hello again!  Whew, we did it, we all made it to Friday and I could not be happier.  My whole family is going to Park City, UT this weekend so, as life goes before a trip, this week could not have gone any slower.  We are so excited to finally get a little getaway and to have a little family bonding time.  Also I can't believe my little man is 10 months old already and will be a year in two short months!  Time sure flies when you're having fun :).

So anyway, exciting news, My Minds Eye did a new Blog post just today with some great new card ideas using Cut and Paste.  This is our best seller right now and is flying off the shelf and with these card ideas, I can see why!  Hope you enjoy the crafting ideas!

As always be sure to check My Minds Eye's Blog for more pictures and ideas.

Happy Crafting!

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