
Friday, November 22, 2013

Winner Announced

Thank you to all who entered in this months Giveaway.  I loved reading all the things that you are all grateful for.  There seemed to be a good theme going of family and isn't that the truth!  Where would we all be without our wonderful families, good and bad, families are the best.  Our lucky winner this month is JEAN!!  Congratulations Jean, Please email your address to to redeem your prize.
 This is what you will be receiving.

I thought now would be a good time to let my Blog followers know....I'm pregnant again!  I just wanted you to know why the blog has been a little lacking as of late, I have not been feeling good at all.  I will try to post more through the week, but now you know why if I don't and hopefully I will be better soon!  Thank you all for being loyal followers and we are so happy to have your business!

Happy crafting!


  1. Congratulations!!!! I love this photo, sooooooooo adorable!!!

  2. Congrats on baby #2!!! And your boy is adorable :)
