
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

My Minds Eye Cupids Arrow

Valentines Day has always been one of my favorite holidays.  I have never been sure why, I never really had a boyfriend on the holiday but for some reason it was always special to me.  I would always dressed festively for it and gave out stickers and tried to make sure that my friends felt special.  One year one of my friends and I sent flowers to each other at school and said they were from secret admirers, it was fun.  I love the festive colors and just that love is in the air everywhere!

My Minds Eye came out with this special new line just for the occasion and I just love it, Cupids Arrow.  Their designers always do amazing work and their layouts and card ideas are always phenomenal.  Be sure to check their blog for more creative ideas.  This line is 25% all week long!

Happy Crafting!

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