
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Simple Stories NEW line HOPE

We have all been touched by cancer in our lives.  Whether it is a family member, a friend, co-worker or the neighbor next door, this disease does not discriminate, it affects everyone. The one thing that I find is every cancer patient has a unique, amazing story. I stand in awe of their will to fight this horrible disease. I admire the support they receive from their family and friends.  February is National Cancer Prevention Month. I thought that this brand new line from Simple Stories  "HOPE" was so fitting for the month of February.

This new line "HOPE" is so full of love, and encouragement. It is the perfect line to chronicle someones story or to give encouragement to troubled friends. The pink and the endearments of love and compassion make it a perfect Valentine line as well. This new line is now available at We love all of you and give a special shout out to those that are battling cancer. Big hugs and lots of love from us at Happy Crafting!!! Jacqueline

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